I have been wondering about this. Perhaps its a bit morbid, but I think it may be a good exercise. To think about others. To loosen up a bit. That you can love and be life-long friends with someone who is not for you. That one should avoid those who are emotionally unstable. That a…
Please, Give me a Second Grace
I am going to cross-link to this post primarily because it\’s awesome and I want to be able to find it again later should the need arise. I\’ll do this in the guise of some commentary on commentary… How appropriate to the web. I found the following commentary on music in The Royal Tenenbaums. In…
Ignacio Ignacious
So, I\’m at the UCLA Medical Center getting my wrist-arthrogram on. My wrist is crazy swollen all filled with the Barium injection stuff. At least I think it\’s Barium. Anyway, it\’s a good time. Sounds like there\’s nothing wrong. Great. So, I guess that means it\’s been on-and-off hurting for like 2 years for no…
Papillon Parade
I just really liked this image after listening to Masterfade by Andrew Bird.
Nathaniel and Daffyd
I’m not really much of a fan of American Idol. Though, my roommate Ricky loves it. Each time I’ve seen the contestant Nathaniel Marshall, I’ve been subtly reminded of the Little Britain character Daffyd, the self-pronounced “Only Gay in the Village.” Nathaniel just seems to be trying way too hard. Piercings, odd clothing, ear-studs, headbands,…
Gibson SG
So, I picked my guitar last night after probably over a year. It was nice to realize that I still have very aspect of “Say it Ain\’t So” and “Everlong” memorized. I even took the time to learn a new song. Oh, I’ve missed my guitar. Perhaps more interesting was my distant, nostalgia about “Everlong.” …
Parallel Perks
Imagine, if you will, the mischievous smirk I witnessed on the face of a young woman this evening as she watched her significant other attempt to parallel park on 10th Street in Santa Monica. She was quite amused by his ineptitude. I laughed (and smirked myself) at her good humor. He was not a…
Cloud Neon
My mother, predictably, seems to like the pictures I take with my iPhone. Apparently I set up her picasaweb / google email address to notify her when I upload new pictures automatically. So, now, every time I upload a new one, I get an email from her talking about them. I can\’t even remember what…
Andrew Bird
I attended the Andrew Bird show on Wednesday evening. It was a really great time. Their opener was a band called Lonely, Dear who was also awesome. I\’m not quite sure how to describe the opener. They are from Sweden and used strange noises in harmony to great effect. I couldn\’t tell much about the…
Some Musicology?
I attended Opera at the Grand. The Grand, by the way, is a super-cool theatre. It’s obviously from the 30s and very art-deco, despite the fact that it is relatively small. It comes from a time when people cared about the appearance of such things beyond is it “clean” and is it “functional.” I still…